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ISLAMIC CONVERT DESIRES TO BE A PASTOR Dear Brothers, I come with full gratitude to God almighty, and thankfulness to His beloved son Jesus Christ our Savior. I hope to write this letter to express my ambitions and plan of my fellowship with Jesus Christ. I was born a Muslim, with both parents being Muslims. God showed me His way of salvation and rescued my from the evil one. May His grace be upon all of us in Jesus’ name. I wish to become a pastor since my conversion, but I have no chance because nobody can help me to reach that goal. Then one day I came across your tract titled, “The correct meaning of Church and Ekklesia.” I received it from a friend, and since then I have thought deeply about the change described in the tract and the men who are responsible for the error. I hope you will help me about my ambition and send more materials for my full enlightenment and change. Your fellow Brother, Amadi Lawanson NIGERIA, W.Africa
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